Your Money Personality Type
Dec 10, 2019Who says money can't be FUN!?!?
This ep's dedicated to uncovering your dominant money personality type.
Which of the 5 are you?
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If you want to keep on animal and make more money you're in the right place. I spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards growth, money investing and ultimately freedom. My name is Simone Masa, Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's kiss my money podcast.
Oh, what's up my gorgeous money babes. It's Simone here back for another app. And this one's going to be a fun one. It's about your money personality on your money type. When I first, um, when I first actually really understood who I was in relationship to money and how I traded and like my actual personality type around it, it made me feel not only so much better because I didn't feel alone. I understood that I could like actually categorize and explain why I do certain things and why I behave a certain way around money and also helped me understand, uh, my husband better. It just, it was, it was also just a really fun way to like lighten the mood around finance and money, which, you know, I'm all about. And it's something that I know you guys are really gonna love. So I actually learnt this, um, when I went and did a program called the millionaire mind intensive, and that is by a guy called T Harv Eker.
He also wrote a book called, um, God, what is it? I've had just had a mental black, I am just actually coming off the back end of a cold, which is kind of why my voice is sounding a little bit funny, but also why my brain is still a little bit foggy. Ah, I just remembered it secrets of a millionaire mind. So T Harv Eker wrote a book called secrets of a millionaire mind, and it's actually one of the books that I recommend everyone raid one of the top, top, top, top books. Um, you know, I have like five or six go tos and it's always in the top ones. Um, and so he has this four day program called millionaire mind intensive, and he has many programs beyond that, uh, which I've been to a bunch of as well. And they're incredible for wealth building and, you know, kind of just diving into money stuff.
And I encourage everyone to go to if they are in your country or new, they actually stopped doing them in Australia. And I had to fly to Singapore to do it. I wanted to do it so badly. I flew Singapore just to attend this, um, four day event and it was amazing and I absolutely loved it. And it was part of what set me on a course to many different things. So, um, so yeah, it's very, very dear to my heart, but, um, anyway, so they teach, you know, these four personalities and it's been adapted from someone else. And as you know, as I've said before, so much of the content out there is adapted from other people. Very little is, you know, new, completely new information, but you just find the person that delivers it, the resonates with you, right? So I'm going to bring you the five different money times, and you're going to get a really clear picture of who you are. And this is the thing, right? When it comes to our money personality, um, anytime we actually inhibit all of them to some degree, like we all have the behaviors.
I thought it's an author staff
Around all money times, but we have the predominant too that like one or two that really kind of rule us, uh, and is pretty much like ingrained within us. So you don't have to do a quiz or anything like that. It's gonna, it's going to become like super clear to you and it's also gonna help you understand the people around you better as well, which is really, really awesome. And then at the end, I'm going to tell you how you can bring in more balance, um, and essentially help guide you to bring in more strengths around your money, personality and money type so that you can work with the, uh, not so great sides of the personality type that you are. Um, and what, with the really good sides that you have, um, to help grow your wealth more. Does that make sense? Um, because essentially there's nothing wrong with who you are. You're perfect just as you are. And I can also also help you give some tools to actually like, you know, hone in and utilize what you're great at so that you can get ahead faster. Cool. Okay. So these are going to be like, most of these are going to be kind of
Pretty obvious to you, but what won't be obvious yeah.
Is probably like some of the behaviors that I'm going to explain or the behind the, you know, around the personalities types. So the first one is the horde. Uh, so
I think of the whole order, like, you know, like if you hold it,
Um, like actual physical things, if you're a money hoarder, essentially, you're a massive, massive, massive saver. But how that translates is you're super scared of losing it, right? So you might have like this massive risk avoidance type personality with the new, and you just can't even imagine losing everything that you've worked towards to build up. So, uh, hoarding can, can be good because it means that you're probably by default are pretty good saver. However, where it gets a little bit counterproductive, you could say is, uh, when you're constantly in this loop of feeling like there's never enough. So if you've ever said that or heard that, I would think that then that is your money, hoarder personality coming out. And maybe it's, that also comes out then never enough kind of thinking, because you're a spender personality, which I'll talk about in a minute. Uh, so it can come out for different reasons.
But if you do have money saved and you still feel like it's never enough, that means you're probably the hoarder, right? So the only downside to this is that you're so avoidant of any risk that you never actually take advantage of using that money and putting it to work, to make you more money, because it's the hoarder personality is essentially deeply, deeply based on security and protection, right. Protecting everything at all costs. Right? And so there's like this constant, like I need to like keep it, I need to like, just have it that I need to keep these thousands or tens of thousands or even more in a savings account, earning barely anything that is most likely a hoarder personality. So that could be you, that could be your partner. This actually used to be me. I used to be a hoarder. Now. I actually went from spender in my early twenties.
Cause if you, if you know my story, you know that I was a spender, cause I got myself into sizable credit card debt then because I just, I realized the impact that was having on my life. I know what to get out of. It got a second job, you know, worked my butt off. I actually switched into a hoarder personality because I just didn't ever want to put myself in that situation again ever. And I was so emotionally scarred and I hadn't worked out the, um, the issues in my head really. So I didn't have a strong money mindset, um, that, you know, that really got me through and worked through all of the old belief patterns. I actually switched to a whole new personality. Um, and then finally I switched to a different personality, which I'll talk about soon. So you can definitely switch.
You can move in between. And that can be based on, you know, any work that you do on yourself, like your money mindset. Um, it can also be based on if you change your money habits. If you get a coach, if you, you know, do the work, if you like, just step outside of your comfort zone and actually take action, you can definitely like flip or step into the other personality type that also can kind of lay dormant. Um, so what else can I tell you about the hoarder when it comes to, um, money, you probably hold onto it, right? You're holding on to everything and the security provides you provides for you, right? You might feel like, like I said, there's never enough to buy what you want, but you don't even want to spend it because that would just like be the worst thing.
Like I used it when I was in my hoarder personality, I used to like, not even want to spend anything, I didn't buy myself new clothes. I would just, I wanted to like build and build and build up money. Just like to have it then until I eventually reached the point where I was like, what is this for? If it's just going to sit in a bank account? Um, if so, when it comes to, you know, spending, it might be that you don't spend on yourself at enough, or if at all, um, it might be that you're incredibly, incredibly fastidious, meaning keep heaps of records. Um, you're obviously a really good saver. You hate to borrow money cause you probably hate being in debt. Um, so you're probably pretty good around credit cards. If, you know, if you, even, if you do have any, you pay off the total at the end, you probably have an emergency fund built up or a working on one.
Um, and really just don't see any end to where that emergency fund is. And you're probably like, I'm just going to keep saving this money and focus on the interest of my savings account and never invest it. That might be the hoarder personality. Unfortunately you never actually amass wealth because, and you probably know this already because I bang on about it and all the other episodes, keeping money in a savings account, doesn't get you any where, um, what else can I tell you? Like I said, it represents security. Um, Hm. Anything else? Oh, when it comes to your future, there's probably a part of you that is planning, but doesn't like still keeps to like wanting more. So you're planning to have like money. Right. And you're kind of like reasonably confident because you're very systematic about it, but there's no kind of like, it's very rigid, right?
So that's a hoarder personality. Now the other personality, the second one is a spender. No surprises there am I right? So if you're as Benda, this was me in my early twenties and many other women and men in the early twenties. Uh, particularly if you don't have a solid, uh, money management, uh, education or literacy, because most of us don't, cause we're not taught about it in schools. Right. Um, so spend a personality are the fun ones. They're the ones that they love buying people, drinks. They love going out to dinner, love mine, new clothes. They have the newest car. They have like the best new outfits everything's gone before the next paycheck and probably even before. Right. Um, so that heaps of fun to be around cause money is exciting and it brings happiness and joy. And it's all about instant gratification. Um, many people spend into personality types.
If you're a spender, you probably have credit card debt. Um, it might be that even if you don't have credit card debt, you, uh, at least living paycheck to paycheck and you get to that last day and you're like, Oh my God, all the money's gone and you have more month left than you do money. Um, and so really you don't have like any massive future goals because it's all about the now. And that can be super fun. Like how fun is it to be like a spender frivolous, carefree, you know, just like whatever more money's coming later, that can be awesome. Here's the catch. And this is a no brainer when you don't plan for your future or at least put a little bit away and make it work for you and like keep it and help build it. And you spend it all.
Then obviously there's nothing left for future you for future tomorrow, uh, which can be a massive issue. So spend the personalities. Money's exciting. And that's a good thing. Like, like I said before, don't ever think that there's anything wrong with being a predominant personality type. This is about understanding who you are and leveraging the other types to bring all balance in and become like a freaking powerful, incredibly powerful money personality that likes smashes it on every single level. Okay. So when it comes to things like saving, you probably have a really hard time with it. Um, when it comes to things like having an emergency fund, for example, you probably don't have it whatsoever. Um, when it comes to investing by default, you probably have a higher risk tolerance than most people. Um, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it might be sometimes on the scary end when it comes to risk taking.
So it might be, you know what, I want to try something crazy and I want to get rich really quick because why well to a spend a personality money's exciting. Right? So that can be like, okay, but it might be that, you know, you don't bring a whole lot of balance in and instead just like blow it all on something like putting all of your money on crypto. There's nothing wrong with crypto, but like not all of it. Um, so spend a personality honestly is about the here and now spending the money now, not thinking about the future. And it brings me a lot of happiness and pleasure. And like I said, you can be a spender and you can be a saver at the same time. So like I mentioned, I'm going to talk about how to bring in more balanced, lighter, because this relates to every single money personality.
Alright. The third one is the avoider. I know an avoider in my family. That is my husband. So he is the kind of person that just, you know, he just thinks it'll all just work out and that can be endearing at times. But when I was in my, uh, hold up personality type, um, it did not bring me much joy. It, I actually hit massive roadblocks against a predominant avoid a money type. Um, because it meant that he kind of just like fobbed it off as being, as not important thing and something that just, you know, didn't want to work on kind of like literally as the name suggests avoided it. Right? So that meant that it was kind of left to me. And by default, that is actually why I manage all the money and I manage our entire investment portfolio. So it might be for an avoider.
It might be that you kind of feel like money never really influences your choice because it's not something that is the first thing to mind. It's you don't think about money, the money factor when it comes to you with decisions, right? Um, it might be if you're avoiding that you just can't even deal with the idea of thinking about a budget or thinking about, uh, looking at your finances like that could actually give you heaps of anxiety. Right? Uh, when it comes to investing, that might be something that you bury your head in the sand with. It might be like, there's absolutely no way. And I need someone else to make the decision for me. There's no way I could actually do that myself. Whew. Now I know that for some of you listening, you might be thinking, wait, but I, if I don't know how to invest, that doesn't mean that I'm to avoid it.
And that is true. If you don't know how to, and you're trying to figure out the roadmap, that doesn't mean that you're an avoider and avoid a means that they can't even think about dealing with it themselves. It's just not something that they even want to like, you know, like literally enter the realm with it. They don't want to spend their time on it. Uh, it's not to say that money is not important. It's just that they avoid the entire discussion around it. And the problem with this personality type is money actually causes a lot of conflict and it's because like money, you know, that money is important, but you kind of don't really want to deal with it. And so it causes conflicts because there's so much, there's no clarity around it and there's no clarity because you don't want to spend any time on it.
And so there's this constant like kind of confusion, conflict, anxiety. And that can be really like disempowering, right? Because you never in a state of really feeling like confident around it and things like, you know, money managing your money or budgeting. It's just not even, you're like, ah, everything will just work out. Kind of like what my husband used to say, kind of actually still does say. Um, but I've learnt to work with it because I understand it so much more now. Um, so when you think about the future, you, you know, you probably think things like, uh, look, the huge will take care of itself. I kind of like, it'll just, it'll all work out and maybe you don't even have solid financial goals, like solid money goals that you're working towards because why? Well, you're avoiding even like, thinking about that as being something that is a big, important, like thing that you want to focus on, because money is not something that you focus on.
Now, if you have some avoidance in you, you might put off making financial decisions, making any decisions when it comes to money, because maybe it feels overwhelming. And I know that this is something that a lot of you would resonate with. And this is definitely something that I kind of used to do a little bit. Like this is probably my third least dominant, um, personality type, but it still does come through occasionally cause it just gets like too much, whatever. Um, and, uh, fortunately this is not something that rules me whatsoever anymore, but it can be that, you know, you, you honestly let the excuses rule you like out here, how it's too hard. Oh, I just can't deal with it. I'm not good enough. That's the avoid up personality type coming through. Okay. Now the fourth one is called or referred to as the monk or what I kind of call the Saint.
So if you're a money Saint, if that is your personality, then money to your is something that is almost like to some degree, a bad thing. It kind of represents grade or corruption sometimes, maybe you think, and you can get really angry about like the corporations that aren't paying taxes, or maybe you get really angry at, you know, just like how much money someone else makes and how they're not getting giving it away. And maybe you feel a massive conflict within yourself if you make too much money because you feel uncomfortable about it. Maybe you never ask for a raise because you feel like, you know, meeting all of your inner needs and that you don't actually need anything more. You know, it's, it's something that for you, it's just, it's almost repulsive having a lot of money. It's almost like
You see it as this existence. That is
Horrible and not for you because you're almost sometimes above it. And this one can be scary because, and I've spoken about this a lot before when it comes to spirituality and money. And I've said this because I heard when I heard this first, because this was kind of part of me previously, I'm a super spiritual person. I'm actually pretty Woodward, even though I'm super practical, which is really bizarre. Uh, but when I, you know, when I was working through a lot of my money mindset stuff around this and the conflict around being spiritual and, you know, working on a massing of money, essentially, I had a conflict around like, hold on this, doesn't like, this doesn't fit with me because you know, money is not spiritual. And, um, you know, having too much money, isn't like the right for the world and blah, blah, blah.
I, I still even can't even explain the thought process to you. That's how much it says, not even part of my psyche anymore, but I know that this comes up for a lot of other people and what was said to me at the time, and I'm going to say this to you now is if you a spiritual person or a religious person, and you feel like, you know, having too much money represents grade at it's not aligned with being spiritual and it's not aligned with being religious. Here is my statement to your question to you, honestly, if you're a spiritual and you're connected to the universe, how connected are you? How spiritual are you really, if you can't connect to the universal energy of abundance, which is money, right? And abundance comes in other forms like love and happiness and joy, but it's also money.
Why? Because money is just energy. We made it up thousands of years ago, it represents an energetic exchange for a good or a service. And now we use it to literally represent the value of something. That's it. And so when that question was posed to me, I realized that actually it was a, that was the most ridiculous thing to possibly believe that, you know, I didn't, I couldn't have more money because that was, that was meant it was Grady or bad. And so this is something that is massively important to work on around your money mindset. If you resonate with being a money, personality, Saint, you know, if this is something for you, that's like, Oh God, yeah, this is definitely me. Let me explain a little bit more about what this kind of looks like. If, if this feels like it's you, so if you're a money, Saint personality type, it might be that, you know, you really would just never borrow money.
It just wouldn't even enter your realm because that would mean that you needed more than you actually have a, you might identify with being super generous and you don't worry about getting anything back. So you might lend out money and just don't even think that you need to get it back. Right. Um, when it comes to emergencies, you might for you think, you know what? You can rely on friends or family, or maybe you could go bada for services and like not charge, you know, what you would usually charge if you're a business owner, because you could like just barter, um, when it comes to, or when it comes to investing, maybe you could do it, but you'd only ever choose socially responsible companies, for example. And look, there is nothing wrong with that, but it might be that there are blocks keeping you in other areas if you're full blown money's right, right.
Um, like I said, it kind of represents grade and maybe even corruption, uh, when comes to anything else around your future, it could be that, you know what you like, it doesn't make a massive difference because there were more important things than money. You might find yourself saying that, you know what, money doesn't bring happiness. You know what, it's more important to have out my health and family than money. Like yeah. Health and family are important. Happiness is important. And you can do all of those things with more money. Um, you know, if you were to get an influx of cash, for example, you might feel guilty and you might think, Oh, there are all these people that have nothing. And I have to give all my money away. So if you're a money saying you almost like avoid it to some degree, because you think that either your above it or it's not for you, because it's not something you're allowed to have.
So, like I said, money, personality means you need to work on your money mindset massively. Uh, because this is, I know holding you back because like I said, money is just energy. All right. The fifth one, and this is the money personality type that I want more of you to start to bring into your life so that you can become a massively wealthy woman that I know that you deserve. And that is the money a mess up. So you, amass wealth, your focus is on building wealth and growing your wealth so that you can create more and more and more in the world. Right? And this is the money personality type that I became after I worked through my other ones. So I wasn't spender. Then I became a hoarder. Then I kind of realized that actually, Oh my God, I, you know, worked on myself and brought in new habits and worked on my behavior and did so many things.
And this is the kind of stuff that I do with my one on one. Clients is too big. I've now become a money, a mess. So the focus for me is literally figuring out ways to invest, to get the best possible return. Right. So if you were money, a mess up, you're, you're pretty confident. You're good at saving money. You're also super balanced when it comes to understanding that, yeah, you do invest it. You don't just have it sitting in a savings account, earning nothing that amassing money takes, uh, you know, some good strategies and it's worth putting in the time and knowledge and money to learn the right way to invest. If you're a money, a mess, are you kind of a thinking about different ways? You're thinking about like different, um, passive income streams that you could develop potentially as well. You know, you take pride in, in, in taking care of your money and giving it purpose.
You have some pretty set goals that you're working towards. So you might be a, you know, like a type, a personality achieve a kind of thing. And this part of your life, um, is something that's really important to you to keep track of. Right? So you're pretty consistent with saving. You're willing to borrow money if it makes money. So you understand there are different types of debt, um, and this consumer debt that doesn't make you money and there's other debt, for example, I can invest in property that does make you money. Um, if you're a money, a you probably do have a little bit, uh, set aside for emergencies, but you also understand the balance between keeping some, but then knowing that you can still invest and pull that out if you need to. Right. Um, when it comes to investing your pretty focused on maximizing your return, right?
Which means that you have a goal and a plan in place, right? Um, what else for you, if you're a money, a messa, it represents freedom. So you completely understand that money creates more freedom in your life and notice the distinction between a money personality, a messa, and a money personality hoarder for a hoarder it's security for a spender it's excitement, right? For, uh, a money Saint it's like grade, and kind of maybe like even negative for an avoider it's like anxiety and conflict, but for an ms or it's freedom. So a hoarder is more like security and needs to protect it. But a hoarder is like, no, like I understand the fundamentals of creating more. Um, what else, if you're on money, messa, you do kind of sometimes worry about money, but more so when it comes to, you know, like how to maximize everything around it and make sure that all of your planning there's in place or whatever, which can be actually a really good thing.
Now, the only downside if you're an extreme, a messa, is that you're super, super focused on money and there's nor time to focus on anything else and bring in that balance of like lifestyle now. So rather than thinking about everything to do with the future and maximizing everything, maybe you need to bring in some balance around, Hey, you can still spend now, still live now, still be present now. And this is yes. Something that I actually need to constantly remind myself on. Uh, obviously I focus on future wealth building because my biggest thing is building. And so I need to be really, really focused. And that is something that has, um, uh, brought being brought into, um, my life, my husband and my life. Um, just this year, my husband has gone down to four days a week, purely for lifestyle. Um, and I've kind of pretty much done the same because we realized that, you know, our life is now as well, and we've built enough wealth, but, uh, still focused on building more.
Um, and so that's why I brought in that partial balance, that 20% balance of living our life now. And you know, what you could say is 20% retired or whatever, uh, to also focus on living, but also continue to focus on amassing wealth. So my focus for you is all about bringing in that balance, like I said to you, money personality. And so here's how you can do it. First one is understanding who you are first and knowing that there's nothing like massively go too bad about who you are. It's just understanding that that's you, right? Knowing that you can shift and change your money personality based on your behavior, based on changing your money mindset and based on bringing in certain habits and knowing that you have a predominant money personality type. So it might be that you are mostly, uh, for example, you know, avoider like my husband, uh, it might be that you are mostly money monk or money Saint.
So for me, I am predominantly a masseur. And then my second predominant is saver. It's still saver. And then, um, my third is spender, right? So for you, it might be your predominant one is spindle for example. And then second is avoider. I had a lot of clients that I've worked with one-on-one that have been in the past, spend a personalities and then avoid a second, or even both avoider and then, you know, spender. And, you know, they've worked on with me to then literally become a masses and bring in that balance. And they've wiped out massive, like tens of thousands of dollars of credit card debt, and started to, you know, add way more to that net wealth. So it's definitely possible. And what's important is that you bring in a money structure, like the envelope system, the justice, and the bucket system, whatever you want to call it.
And that's just about splitting your income up and, uh, so that you have balance and purpose and clarity. And what happens when you have all of those things, balanced purpose, clarity, actually, bizarrely gives you the freedom to be a spender, to be a saver and to in a master at the same time, right? And to work on your money mindset so that you can shift and evolve and grow and just become an even better version of who you already are. So I hope that that has been enlightening for you. I hope that it's been fun to listen to, and I hope that you have gotten some insight into who you are and you know, your money personality type and the money pressed on any type of the people around you like your husband, your lover, your friends and family. Because once you understand it more, then you can work with it. Then you be like, okay, now I know how this person reacts. When I bring up the subject of money, it doesn't need to be something that, you know, causes this tension in our life. Right. It can be fun. It can be playful and we can always get better at it. All right. I hope you've enjoyed until next week, babe. Thank you for tuning in.