This is What Transformation Looks Like (Part 1)

May 12, 2020

Mmmkay, so just HOW and WHAT have I done to radically and completely change my life for the better?

This ep is alll about that (and even got to the end and realised it's gotta be split into to 2 parts! What the. 

Yah, turns out - there's a LOT to tell you on transforming your life. Especially around money mindset, taking quantum leaps and up-leveling. 



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If you want to keep on earn more and make more money you're in the right place. I spent over 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from 20 K in debt to a seven figure investment portfolio. Join in. As I share the secrets towards more growth, money investing and ultimately freedom. My name is Simone, miss Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's. Kiss my money podcast.

Welcome back. My beautiful. So how have you been, I just started with a new coach and it has really inspired me to record this episode. It's actually been on my list to record this specific episode, but after I started with this recent new coach of mine, I kind of realized that Holy crap, I've been on so many different personal development journeys and paths and courses and seminars and like exposures and just the whole thing. And I wanted to share like a few of them with you, because honestly, this is genuinely what transformation looks like. It's in the small things, it's on the big things. It's in the consistency of the things. And I also kind of just want to like give you some insight into where I've been, what I've done. What's changed my life, what hasn't, Ooh, what hasn't so that if you are ex you know, exploring different things for yourself, then you also know what might touch your soul, what might change your life, um, and really put yourself on the path to the thing that you want next.

Right? And it's also coming up because when I've been self reflect, reflecting on creating this new program, that's coming out. I kind of a few of, you know, about it already. Uh, but it is essentially like the let's call it the energetic money blueprint immersion program, right? Cause we all have an energetic money blueprint. That's it's pot, DNA and pot, what we're born with, but also a very big part programming. And it's learning to tap into the pot. That really is deep down like ourselves, that we can work with our internal energy and also reprogram the shit that was given to us. And that has been placed on us by our parents and society and all of the other things, um, to essentially suppress us in not getting what we want. Like, and so if you're like right now, it's, you know, the money feels hard.

Well feels financial freedom seems like it's a complete non-reality that just won't ever happen. And like, like whatever, whatever beliefs you have around wealth and money being hard, or like it only being handed to people who are born into wealth or just it's, you know, it only happens easily for other people, whatever. Then this is the, this is the program for you. It's an immersion program, meaning it's not like a transaction. It's not that you don't call it, come in and then like leave. It is like literally a transformation. And it's designed for you to stay in it, to fully, fully, fully dive into every single element over a period of time. It's not a onetime thing. None of it is a onetime thing, but it's really about diving into and aligning with what works for you, right. And picking the pieces and the elements that are going to work for you and really getting like the key and the guide to properly tap into the power that's within you, but also the power that is within the universe so that you can step into that end to tap into it really easily because girl, it can be easy.

Okay. And I am also so grateful for just like the clients. I'm my one on one clients I'm working with at the moment. Well that I have always worked with that have really just shown me that this needs to be bigger than just the one on one people I work with. Right. Because I want to, one clients pay me literally tens of thousands of dollars, uh, to do these transformations right. And to work with them. And it's no wonder that duck now doing like 20 K days, but one of my other client just did an ADK month. And these are people that like used to be in debt, right. That you couldn't even like look at their finances. Didn't even like, could just could not deal, could not deal. Right. It was too hot. It was too stressful. Or, and, or one of my clients used to think about money, like 30 times a day in a negative way.

Like, is it really disempowering just too hard way? And she said 20 K day and she's like totally free. And just, you know, like this is the stuff that literally changes lives. And I just want more women to become wealthy. I want more women to really embrace being like empowered around money, really embrace desiring money, like having that desire and not being fucking ashamed of it. And I think why I'm so passionate about that true is because I used to like put all the shame on myself, right. About wanting more about wanting luxury. Like luxury is literally part of what brings me joy, what sets me alive, what I love, and I'm not going to deny that I'm not going to suppress that. And I want more women to step into that power too, and really own it. And also because until we really own it, we can't ever have it.

Can we anyway, so on the path of kind of this, this program has like literally been a development for the last couple of years. I am not even kidding you. And so I really, when reflecting back on like the journey I've been on to, to get to where I am, cause obviously I'm an investor, right? That's no secret. I talk about investing bootcamp all the time. Um, you know, the actual practical thing of how to invest in how to create multiple passive income streams and how to actually build wealth and how to make compound interest your friend, and like literally put yourself on the physical money path. But the energetic element can never be ignored, right? There's, it's always both. And it's no surprise that I've done so much fucking energetic plucky work than I am where I am and that I know where I'm going.

And it's like totally and a hundred percent clear where I will go and that my business will become a millionaire multimillion dollar business. The zero doubt that we'll have a multimillion dollar portfolio net worth. Um, just because it has to happen. Like not even just energetically and that's not a belief that's literally, that's how compound interest and investing wax when you put the numbers down. But from a kind of mindset perspective, fuck so much is going into this. And I wanted to share some of those things, but really my, like my, actually my journey started with when I started seeing a psychologist and I've always been exposed to the spiritual side. Not that my psychologist was spiritual, it's not at all, but I've always been exposed at least to an element of personal development because my mom was very much into the spiritual work herself and has always been deeply into personal development work and you know, pretty growth minded.

My dad now I think I mentioned this before, my dad now is also, you know, practices yoga and like by himself and he's very much into mindfulness. And so it's just been a part of really the DNA. So that's just always been within me, but I never really properly explored it deeply. Instead of, until I started with a psychologist, God, this is like probably eight or nine years ago now. And really the catalyst for me to be there or to go there was that I was depressed. I was like clinically depressed. I didn't, I didn't know that I was clinically clinically depressed. I mean, I knew I was pretty sad. You know, couldn't really get out of bed a lot of days, um, would drink like a lot. I would just get drunk like a lot, um, you know, just really shut down emotionally. Wouldn't really talk to my friends kind of shut off from that and just wouldn't open up.

Right. And just was not happy. And it, it really confused me as well because I had started learning trading at that point. So I was already an investor, but I started learning how to trade and become a trader. And, you know, so that kind of opened up like even another Avenue for wealth and income and stuff. So it wasn't a financial burden. It wasn't like a financial worry. It wasn't about that. It was literally about my self worth and my self esteem. And a lot of it was at the time to do with my relationship with my mother. And, you know, I think previously I was pretty much, I was in a bit of a codependent relationship with my mother in terms of seeking validation. And I would change my behavior to get certainty and to get kind of love or the love that I thought that I wasn't getting, which is like bullshit.

Because anything that we do is just a reflection about in a place like it. Right. And just at the time, I didn't know what the fuck was happening. And I had zero boundaries cause I had zero self esteem and blah, blah, blah. Anyway, no, blah, blah, blah, as in that doesn't matter. But you know, like it was, I was so deeply ingrained in a meshed into my victim nurse, victim hood, and in my victim mentality, um, that, you know, I could, I could have gone on about the story of poor me, but I never, you know, it was never like, I've never whinge, but I would just, I would convince you that the other person was the problem. Um, you, so I started with a psychologist and damn she was amazing. She was literally, and I S I used to kind of still intermittently see her from time to time.

Cause she would just have these like gold nuggets. I had the best experience with a psychologist. It is not the experience that so many people have. Um, I know this to be true after it. I speak to so many other people, but she, you know, she has a specific methodology, which is very, it's a very well known methodology called acceptance and commitment therapy. And, um, I was just really fortunate that the doctor I had at the time was amazing and she just happened to refer me to a great psychologist. Um, so, but it, it didn't, um, it wasn't my first try. So I did try a couple of others and they were terrible, like so bad. Just also just energetically the alignment. Wasn't there. Not that at the time, I could explain that to you because I didn't really know how to articulate that, but it just, it wasn't a fit.

Right. But just also, they were just terrible. What would they did a, so I started seeing this new woman and I didn't, I'd never heard of acceptance and commitment therapy by, I certainly came to deeply know it. And if you want to learn about this particular therapy, it's, it's really, it's a mindfulness practice and not meditation. Meditation is a form of mindfulness. Um, but mindfulness in the, in this process that essentially you come to accept, right. Which is the first part. Um, and then also commit to your values and what you want, deaf and therapy, exceptions, increment therapy. There, there's a book called the happiness trap and it's by Russ Harris, R U double S Harris. Um, really he is the foundation I think, for the work. And it's an incredible, incredible, incredible book. I highly recommend it to practice mindfulness, even if you were just interested in exploring personal from development, it is really amazing to come to terms with kind of, you know, our negative thoughts, so to speak.

And it lets label them as negative. Like put, put the judgment in there. There's no there's technically no negative and positive, but we label as human beings, we label things as negative and positive because they are either empowering or disempowering. Right. Anyway, so that was kind of the start of my path. Right. And it was like really amazing. And I was seeing her for a while and you know, like, I feel like psychologists can really only get you so far. I genuinely do believe that because they do focus on, you know, therapy on the past or at least most of them, at least that's my experience. And rather than kind of vision and looking forward at like what you want to create and how you create that and how you move through the world. Like it's kind of past to present rather than future focused.

Um, and I really, so even though I'd worked through so much with her and had really even also come to the point of implementing understanding and putting in place boundaries, which I'm not even kidding you, I didn't even know what they were like. Obviously I knew what the word meant, but I did not have boundaries. I did not know how to implement them. I did not know what they meant, what the rules were, how to navigate it. And so that was also an introduction to boundaries for me, which was, I found really fucking hard at the time. And it was really just a process of just committing to it. Right. And just like the consistency. And I remember seeing her, it was, it had been one year, it'd be one year. And I remember sitting in her office a chair and I was like, you know, talking about something as a crying, God, it's so vivid to me.

And I was explaining something to her and she responded, and I could just have like this moment, like, it was just like a flick of a switch. And I was like, Holy crap. I have been talking about this same thing for a year. Like we have, we've been having this exact same conversation. And she looked through her notes and she was like, yeah, actually we have also been talking about this yet 12 months ago. And she's like, you know, so we can do some more work on it. And I was like, at that point I was like, you know what? I just know, like I get that. It takes years to move through certain things. Sometimes it takes days. Sometimes it takes months, like whatever it is, like we all have a lesson that we're on. We'll have a journey that we're on that did teach us something.

But that for me was enough. And that I truly believe that we have to hit rock bottom. We have to hit that, that not enough moment. Right. Of like just pure sheer pain for us to go. No. And that happened for me at that point, because I had been on and off teetering about whether to take any depressant medication I was previously. So it was so ingrained with me that I was a hell, no, like I'd just dead against it. I'd heard stories about from so many other people that they're just, it was terrible. It didn't work. They'd put on weight. It just, they went off and on different ones and it was just like, it just, it, some made them worse and whatever. And so I was just always like a hell no. And you know, my psychologist was always like, I'll support whatever decision like this.

There's no judgment. There's no pressure, whatever you want. And I was at that moment when I was like, I've got to try something different cause this isn't working. So I'm wanting to try, let's try it. And so I did. And fortunately again, unfortunately for me it worked, um, you know, now I've come to know that I've, I was put through those experiences because I believed partly I believed in them. I went in them into them with a certain intention. I was put on that path because I was led there. Right. And now what I know I can look back and go, Oh, that happened because of Z, which is like an appropriate whole now this like conversation. But, uh, so I went on them, um, it was like about four or so weeks in where it just, I noticed a significant difference in, I was, I just got dressed for work.

I was walking out the front of the house. It's going to my scooter. Cause I used to have like a, like a little Vesper to answer whack. And I looked up at the sky and I was like, Oh, it's a really beautiful day. And it was the first moment I caught myself and I realized I hadn't had a positive thought like that for like, I don't even know, like probably two years, three years. And I was just so brought to tears because I was like, Holy shit, that's amazing. But also so fucking sad that I had to be in that place for that long. And anyway, so then I kind of continue seeing my psychologist and then was also on this medication. And it was, I was probably on it for, I think it was about, it was close to a year. Right. Um, in total, but leading up to kind of me coming off it and I had kind of no intention.

I had no specific end date. I kind of hit another bump where it was like, you know, we always have this, like whenever any of us have breakthroughs or whenever we take a quantum leap or whenever we take the next level in our life, we always like what happens, right? When have you earned more money? What happens? Your thermostat changes, you get to this new level and then you just get comfortable again. Then the new level becomes your new normal when previously you looked at that level and was like a common way to get there and that's life, isn't it? You know, there's no judgment about those, nothing wrong with that. It's just, we get comfortable with that new level. And so we got comfortable with this new level of not total depression. Like not occasional suicidal thoughts, like not why am I even here as it even any point to now?

Okay. Like, you know, I mean, I felt good, but I wasn't happy in my job. I was just, you know, I've never really enjoyed being told what to do. That's just, and we were going through changes at work. And I just, I didn't like the people and like whatever. I was just like done. I wanted to go on a holiday. Um, and I was over my leave and I've always traveled like way more than a normal quote unquote normal person would. And I wanted to take my holiday and they were like, no, you can't even take unpaid leave. Um, if you wanted to, you know, and I like pushed and pushed and I'm like, well, if you wanted to, then you'd have to essentially have to quit your job. It's just like the, you know, F sorry. Okay. All right. I like it. I just remember going home.

And that was like, the next let's call it. Like, it wasn't rock bottom, but that was like the next bottom, the next bottom on my new level. Right. And I was just like, I'm so fed up. And I remember talking to my trading mentor, um, at the time. And it was like that week that, you know, he'd also been talking to me about personal development because I noticed patterns in his mindset that he would say, or, um, he would offer me when I had opposing patterns in my mindset around, for example, trading or just certain things or whatever the economy. And obviously when anyone talks, you can tell, like, is it a limiting one? Or is it an unlimiting one? Is it one that is like helpful or hurtful? Right. Like you can get a theme. And my theme was not incredibly supportive. I mean, it wasn't like desperately, but, um, and he told me about a guy called Tony Robbins.

And I did not really know who this guy was. The only vague inclination I had was that he was a sales guy on like TV. Like he did, you know, those like info commercials and he like sold shit. And I just remember thinking like, what the hell are you talking about? Like what? And he's like, yeah, you know, I've done a lot of his work, like whatever. He has like a bunch of programs. And I was like, okay, anyway, put it out of my mind. Didn't think about it. That was that week. And then this thing happened at work and I got home and I was like, let me look at this guy. Like, and I trust, I trust my mentor. He's become my mentor in like so many other areas of my life now. Um, and you know, obviously that, uh, that trust was there enough for me to start to look into Tony Robbins turns out this guy, isn't a sales guy used to, I think when he was like, like 20 or 30 years ago before he got into deep personal development work.

And I'm sure by now you've heard of Tony Robbins. Um, and it just happened to be that when I was looking, he had his, one of his programs, his six day program called date with destiny coming up in the next few months. And it was $5,000. This is like, this is eight years ago. Yeah. I think it was eight years ago, maybe seven years ago. And it was 8,000 hours, sorry, $5,000 in hindsight, I really like have $5,000 lying around. I mean, I guess I could, you know, put some money aside for like travel and stuff. So maybe I could take it from that. Bear in mind, guys that at this point, like, I'd got really good with money. Remember like, this is not me 20, what is it? 12 years ago when I was in debt, like I'd gotten myself to a really good place so I could spend the money.

And I was of like my peer just do it. And it was, I was just in enough pain for me to just go fuck it. Like, you know, I just, I watched a little video. I read his like little sales sales page thing. It wasn't little, but like, and I just booked it. I'd never been to one of his things before. I'd never list watched a video before I'd never listened to a podcast. I'd never read anything. It was like, it was just like it. And when I think back now and what I understand about myself now, particularly around my human design, like now I get that. I was just in my intuition. I was just listening to my intuition. Right. And I'm also a relatively impatient person and I can't wait for something that's like really far out. So, because it was like a couple of months away, I was like, well, I'm just going to book it and I'm just going to go.

Right. And I was still shit scared, but I just did it. And I went into work the next day and I quit. And I was like, I'm going to this thing. I mean, you know, taking this travel, but I'm also going to this program, which I need another six days off for. So I just quit. I quit my job, like I'm done. And I didn't know what I was going to do. I just, I just knew something had to change. And later I, I, I learnt one of Tony Robins is quite like from David destiny. And it's so true. And far out when I look back now, I go, yeah, that's what happened. He says, the moment you decide your entire life changes in that moment, like in that moment, your life changes. And yes, the thing that you go to chain changes your life, or yes, the, whatever, the date that you go on, you know, whatever, like changes the life.

Cause you meet the man of your dreams. So yes, the coach, you hire changes your life. Well, yes. Like the job you do is amazing. Whatever the moment you decide, that's actually when things shift that is actually when the universe moves for you, because you've, you have such intention, you have such focus, you have such determination on the thing that you're going towards. You've decided particularly when you commit money to it, when you like put your dollars behind your values behind, like what you're doing behind your intention, behind your decision, particularly around that and your whole, your entire life changes. And so I just had this new power within me and I went in, quit my job. And I was just like, I'm doing this thing, like audit, audit. I don't know what I'm going to do for money. What, um, and in the meantime, between that moment and going to date with destiny, I, I, you know, started reaching out to freelance agencies.

And by the time I wrapped up at my full time work, I started in freelance. And it was so funny because the day that I finished at my full time job, it was still like a month away from me going to this program to date with destiny. Uh, the day that I finished it, my full time kind of job, they asked me to come back the next day for a couple of weeks on a freelance rate, which was like three times higher because they just like, they needed the work I was doing. So in that moment, they basically like paid for like the next couple of months off, whatever, because I was getting the same rate, doing the same work. And that's what happens when, like, when the universe moves for you, when you make decision around like what you want. And I just remember thinking, God, why didn't I do this sooner?

You know? Um, anyway, so it got to the moment of coming to date with destiny. And I flew up to the gold coast, which is, happens to also randomly be where I'm from. And I stayed with my mom. And at this point I'm still on any depressants. Right. So I am committed enough to the next stage of my journey. But if I look back on who I was, then my God, like, I just, I was, I was a shell of a person, not like physically, but as in, well, I guess physically, but as in, I just, my, you know, confidence just was not there. I wouldn't speak up for myself. I wouldn't like, I just I'd hide. I was nervous. I didn't feel like, you know, I just, I deserve to be there, whatever. And obviously that was a theme at the time because, well, the whole reason I started going, seeing a psychologist was because of my deep story about how I wasn't worthy, how I wasn't enough, how everything I did was just never enough.

And, and so I just remember, like it just standing in line and just being, I just felt like, so out of place, you know, there were always like happy people there and people were high fiving. And I was like, what is this? Is this a cold? Like, what the fuck? Like what, what, you know, what am I doing? Like it wasn't to the point I wanted to leave. Like I was so internally excited and my mom came and when I did like registration, the day before the actual event started, you know, people were high fiving. And like, my mom was pretty skeptical, skeptical about Tony Robbins. She has her own opinions on him. And, and she's like, Oh, he's at Colt. And it's like, whatever. He's like seems to be like scammy, whatever she's going to run her opinions. But I let that, I let that be part of my story too.

So there was, you know, there was a massive part of myself that I was like, totally in doubt. And like, what am I doing here? And like, is this going to be right? Did I just spend all this money for like this? Like, it's basically like a thousand dollars a day and it's like a thousand people here. Right. I think it was about 800 people and this was David's destiny, like whatever, seven, eight years ago, when it wasn't as big as it is now as he, Tony Robbins is so much bigger now. Um, uh, yeah. But anyway, so I remember standing in line and started chatting to a couple of people and one guy was like, yeah, uh, you know, this is, this is like my third day with destiny. And I remember thinking, what, like, why would you, you know, I'm here to be fixed.

I'm here to like, fix my thing, go. And then like, I don't have to come back. Right? Like, like this is, this is like the end. Like you asked, have so many other problems that you have to come back or this doesn't work. And I still remember thinking that. And I just laugh now that I thought that I think I even said that I said that to an extent like, Oh, like it kind of, didn't like totally work. And I don't a hundred percent remember the answer, but I mean, I know the answer now, like, which is so funny, there's nothing fucking wrong with you, Simone. And every single person listening, there's nothing fucking wrong with you. And it isn't about fixing anything. It isn't bad, anything being wrong. It's about taking the next quantum leap. It's now taking the, you know, going to the next level.

It's about immersing emerge, like the emotion of going deep into this inner work so that you can expand so that you can get to what you want. Cause there's always another level. Right. And it's also about the muscle of your mind and that it is a muscle and then it needs constant programming. Because on the flip side, we are constantly programmed with all the other crap, right. Of the negative news and like the crappy news and the, you know, Trump rants and everything going on and the conditioning of our parents and our friends and the negative Nellies and the judgments and the criticism and the put downs and whatever. Even if you think that you live in this like positive bubble, it still exists. It's still there. We are conditioned societaly to think and believe, and the news and whatever literally is conditioning us. And so we have to do the opposite work to reprogram on the opposite side to make sure that she doesn't stay in us.

Right. And so, I mean, obviously now I know, I know that it's not a onetime thing. It's not like a fix it thing. And now I get that, obviously it's about going to the next level. Um, but I just remember thinking that how naive I was. Um, anyway, so the first, you know, going to the first day was just like an entire, like, it was my first experience really in like anything that was full immersion like that, um, particularly for six days and you barely sleep and you do like these 16, 18 hour days, which sounds insane. And you know, you finished 2:00 AM and you think, God, you must be so tired, but you just you're. So not because you're so awake, you were just, so God damn awake and inspired and a lot live and you have just let go of so much baggage, so much emotional crap that, you know, you just have this part of you inside that just can't go to sleep.

Right. And you just so driven and so inspired. Um, and after the first night of destiny, I actually stopped taking, I stopped taking my age depressant medication cause I was like, no, I'm just, I'm done. And I'm not saying that that is not a recommendation. I'm not saying like do that. Um, I'm not a health professional, but for me it just, it felt right. And again, I was just listening to my intuition. Um, I just stopped it and I'd never been on it since. And I know, I know deep down on never go on it again. Um, and, and yeah, and then just the continuation of the following five days with just mind blowingly. Amazing. And it's so funny, like, you know, you know, if you've been to UPW, adenomatous knee, that UPW is called unleash the power with Andy, which is Tony Robin's four day program.

He's only there for two days or like one and a half of them and he has his facilitator do the rest. Um, so it's like the, it's a lot more people at UPW as well. And it's not as deep, um, either, but you know that if you have gone to UPW or date destiny, that you can't explain it, you really can't explain the transformation. You really can't explain what happens. Um, it's just something you have to go through and experience yourself. Even if you have these doubts of just like, why not expand yourself? Why not expand your mind? Why not see something in a different way? Like why not see what is out there for you? Right. Um, and yes, you will come on fire at UPW and you do some other stuff that day with SD, but it really is about the immersion and the rewiring to take you to that next level.

And it's also, it's just something you have to do, like trying to explain it to someone else is like, yeah, it changed my life, but I can't really tell you what we did. Um, and even if you've seen, I am not your gear guru documentary on Netflix, uh, kind of about the destiny that Tony Robbins runs. It really is like a glimpse into, and I even actually feel like it doesn't do it justice. Um, so if you've ever thought about doing it, Holy crap, honestly, I'm not kidding you. It will change your life. Just like do it, dive in, do it so sooner than later, obviously when COVID lifts, um, I was actually going to go back. This may cause it was on again that took it up to Ken's, um, the last couple of years, but that was back in, on the gold coast, um, in may like literally this month, uh, I'm sorry.

No, maybe just last month, a couple of weeks ago. And so I was gonna go, but yeah, obviously the universe had a different idea and I was going to go because I just, I really felt like I needed a, you know, an immersion, um, because after I'm on a date with destiny, my husband saw how much I changed and how much I got, you know, even on another level, got out of victim mentality and just stepped off on a whole new level. And it was just a completely different person, um, in all the good ways, right? No, the abundant limitless ways. Um, and he was really inspired by that. And so we actually went to date with destiny together. Um, the year later or two years later, I can't remember. So I've been to it twice. And then since then have done a bunch of his other programs, including UPW and life mastery and wealth mastery, um, as well.

And I think there's another one as well. And so I was going to go again for that kind of immersion, but it just, obviously it hasn't happened. The other thing I was also going to go to with was Catherine's in Keener's, which I've spoken about before she's called manifestation, babe. I was going to be going to her retreat and it's a pretty costly retreat. It's like over $10,000 to go for six days. And that obviously good can. So recently I've been on the search for a new coach because I also finished up with my own coach as well. Um, uh, earlier this year it was like around January, February, I finished up with my coach that I had been with for a while. And that was part of a, both a coaching and program and mastermind kind of like pack package, so to speak. And that was, that had cost me like a law that was close to $40,000, but it was business focused and it was with a guy called Russell Brunson.

Um, which a lot of you would have, will have heard of if you are in the entrepreneurial space. Um, and so I'd really felt just that lag that, that it was something was missing. I really felt something that was missing in between kind of even just for a couple of months of not having a coach and a mastermind and a group of people, um, to just like push me to that next level. And so I've been on the hunt for a coach for a while and I've just started working with an amazing woman and last week actually, and yeah, so it's been spinning red bubble. Um, and it also made me realize that I really, since I kind of started, I guess with my psychologist that many years ago, my immersion, my coaching, my integration, my personal development hasn't stopped. I've always had some things, some one, um, our guide, a mentor program to, to, you know, help me in an area of my life.

And I really want to like tell you guys about all of those things. And I've just realized that we're already at 40 minutes and I've only just told you about two of them, my psychologist, David designate. So I wanna like tell you about a bunch of other stuff too. And I think I'm going to deep dive on a couple of other ones that I haven't mentioned yet. Um, maybe in another episode, so this one is not so long, but I have done a crap ton, a crap ton of work. You guys, um, not just in my money mindset, uh, but also just from a personal development perspective because everything is co-related, everything is interrelated. Um, cause money is just energy, right? And when what I found for both myself and other people that are on deep personal development work, and even with my one on one clients that when you work on one area, there's always, always, always a flow and effect in others, right?

For example, like your self worth and your relationship with money, like you can't have one without the other. You can't have a strong relationship with money and not have a strong self worth. Like it just doesn't work. You are only limited by self worth and limited by your money relationship. Like they work hand in hand. And then we can also basically say the exact same thing when it comes to your sexual energy and our intimate relationships and our personal relationships and our relationships with our mothers and our fathers and like our self esteem and ability to speak up, like whatever you, whatever you area. And there are so many we want to talk about, there's always an interrelationship between something else. And this is also what is interesting when I do some of the work with my one on one clients, I want the work we do isn't anything to do with money, but we've got to release that pot and work on that pot to actually unlock the rest.

And so whatever the area of life is for you that you want to Uplevel in, it of course have an effect on other areas, right? And so since basically that path for me, um, with date with destiny and we went to UPW unleash the power within did life mastery and wealth mastery, which is a 10 day event in Fiji resource or run by Tony Robbins. It's a deep, deep, deep immersion, both on wealth and life, life, meaning health. It really is life and health mastery. Um, and isn't it interesting that I combined the two in the one program, right? Wealth is all about getting speakers in like understanding from a longterm wealth planning perspective. Um, so like so many, so many different areas and life is about coming back to really like detoxing. It was the first time I it's first time I opened my eyes up to, um, colon hydrotherapy.

That was an interesting process, but I've really learnt so much more also about energetically. What goes on in our gut, particularly without intuition, you know, scientists say that we actually have a second brain or intuition sent us it's in our gut. And so when you heal your gut, you know what the saying is when you heal your gut, you heal your life. But which I think is bold statement, but it kind of also is true, like so much is stored in our gut. And so when people say like, Oh, you know, what's your gut feeling? The saying that because literally that is where your intuition is housed. It's actually in your splenic area. But anyway, um, so they were desperate, dumb date, destiny, twice UPW life, wealth mastery, wealth mastery, five mastery, wealth mastery. And since then went on kind of also side elements, so to speak with a bunch of other different programs and courses.

Right? So I, when I, after I signed up to what is called, I can't remember it's called something mastery with Tony Robbins. It comes with the courage for the Tony Robbins coach and he was amazing. And he taught me a bunch of stuff about, you know, past life integration and energy clearing, and really just like working on myself on rapid planning method, on being, you know, more high-performance right. I have also done heaps of sessions with energy clearing, um, I guess, guides, so to speak. I've also done epigenetic, let me get this right. Trans transgenerational, epigenetic inheritance, clearing work. And I know it sounds really big and confusing, but what it is is, and this is kind of more on the spiritual side. I know I'm like jumping about trans transgender. I kind of didn't say it. You guys, trans generational means it spends more than one generation.

Meaning say, for example, you are afraid of Heights or you're afraid of the water like swimming, right. But nothing's ever happened in your life. Like there's no reason there's no rational explanation. What happens is just as we have certain specific physical traits, like Brown hair and blue eyes and whatever, and, you know, brought a hip. So like whatever, you know, bigger boobs, we also have our trauma stored in our genes, right? I'm not making this shit up. You guys, you can do your own research on this. It's literally exactly the same. Our genes are expressed in different ways, physical form, and also owl, like literally our epigenetics called epigenetics. So that's why it's called trans generational epigenetic inheritance, inheritance, meaning you inherited just the same way, your inherent your Brown hair and big boobs, like lucky you, but you also inherit the pots of like trauma.

For example, you may not know that your grandfather or your great grandmother almost drowned when she was 10, or you might not know that she was, you know, bullied and hung out off the building when she was like 15. And so you have this like deep FEA about Heights or fear about swimming, right? Because that trauma is stored in our DNA. You guys is literally stored. And so when you do like energetic work, just on yourself, like forget about transgenerational, you were actually healing the part of your DNA. And so particularly when we do like this deep work around your subconscious and your conscious and you know, around your energetic money blueprint, for example, when we do that kind of work, you're actually healing and you're actually creating you new neural pathways. It literally happens like you make literal new connections. You can actually track it brains harness it, scientists have actually been able to, they see the new PA pathways rewiring re creating new sockets.

So you change your DNA in terms of like the trauma sequencing. And so I've done a bunch of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance work. I've worked with energy healers, so you're not kind of Reiki and theta healing, but this is also this other type of healing, which Joe Vitaly talks about a lot. And so does Donald Epstein. And it was actually this specific methodology was created by Donald Epstein and its cold, um, network spinal analysis that has a couple of other names as well, that it's cold around the world, but it's a very kind of niche modality. It's I mean, that call it a form of chiropractic, but I mean, I would not call it even remotely that at all, um, it is essentially working with your energy field, um, and doing what is called network spinal analysis on it. And basically it's a low forth force method to bring out and to combat your nervous system that goes into fright or flight or fight response, where you store a stress response and essentially help you relax and real line.

Right? So it's like it's body work, energetic body work. Um, and interestingly, I really not many people know about it, but interestingly, there is a episode of this on, I think it's Netflix or from group lab, which is Gwyneth Paltrow's. I dunno like health company, or I don't know something, whatever company should call his group, but, um, where they explore this specific methodology. And I can't remember what they call it, but anyway, it it's massively, massively helped me in a lot of things. Um, I mean, it's great for some people, not for others. Um, so I've done a lot of work around that. God, what else have I done? I've also done landmark, which I genuinely can't personally stand that culture, content, that culture it is, you know, if you ever done landmark and then you've also ever done, you know, a Tony Robins program or you a Brendon Burchard program or anything else, they are worlds apart.

Obviously I'd been indoctrinated into the Tony Robbins world kind of first, essentially. And I expected kind of old person development work to have to be this higher vibe, immersion, you know, supported way of working or like at least energy or setting or the culture. And that just is not at all. What landmark is about. Um, landmark is a global, they're a global company and they essentially have what they call it, the landmark forum. And I think it's, it's like four days and they have follow on programs and courses and they have like seminars and stuff like that. I mean, it's good. I think go and do it. It's good. Um, it's not that you won't get anything out of it. I definitely prefer the more higher vibe, energetic work, particularly the work that you do at those destiny that it's so focused on, really getting in touch and focused on what you're creating in the future as well, not just kind of clearing out your crap like that is part of it, but it's also about really getting clear on your values and what the rules are that you live your life by and how this really fucking you up and dealt with this new dive into like masculine, feminine work and, you know, and energetic work and what that looks like in your relationship and your love language and how that plays out in your entire setting and scenario like anyway.

So landmark is not that, um, Lam talks about how essentially really everything is meaningless and everything that we, that we create in our life that has meaning only has meaning because it's the meaning that we give it, which obviously is true. Of course, that's true. It's not that what they teach is not good. It is. It's just that I can't stand that culture because it's quite pushy. Um, and I don't, I personally have never found it to be a very supportive, um, aligned, aligned culture. The way that essentially they try to get you in is just very pushy, salesy, guilt, tripping. Your almost like you're not enough, you know, you're broken and you need to come and like do this. You need to come and do the landmark forum. Um, and there's, there's something wrong if you say no, like, because, because otherwise you'd say yes, because otherwise you should, you should just be open.

Like I just, I actually can't stand the methodology of how they get people in. Um, I would say like, do it, it's like, it's pretty cheap. Like it's, I dunno, like four or $500. Um, and it's, it's good content. Um, and you will definitely, definitely, definitely get something out of it just completely in a hundred percent know, ignore that culture. And please don't think that, that isn't representative of how, uh, postponed development immersion programs are actually run. Uh, anyway. So I have done a bunch of their forums as well, and I just couldn't, I wasn't in alignment any anymore with kind of the way they do things. So I left, um, what else aside from books and podcasts and trainings and, you know, events like echo totally and Gabby Bernstein and, uh, courses like Denise, Duffield Thomas and Catherine's and Keenan's rich brave Academy and money boot camp.

And I've also done a lot of work around with S factor. So S factor is a feminine movement practice to essentially get you back into your body, back into connected into your feminine energy, because we all have both energies and it's about kind of creating the balance and alignment to, and because I'm so success driven, it, you know, I can sometimes easily be in my masculine and that doesn't, that's not my core energy. And it's not to say that just because you're a woman doesn't mean that you have a feminine energy. It doesn't always a hundred percent work that way, but most, most women, majority of women are, do have a feminine core energy. And most men do have a core masculine energy. Um, but we have both just like the yin and the yang. It's like literally that same thing. It's about creating the balance with the true, like you have to have both to work.

So I've done a lot of work around that and hired a different mentor for that. I've had multiple co coaches, business mentors in life mentors, and I'm probably five, six, seven, Oh, sorry. Um, you know, different ones. And they've all had different effects. I've done a bunch of work with T Harv Eker who wrote secrets of a millionaire mind, which you have, if you haven't read, do pick up that book. It's so good. It's so good. Um, and he has programs called the millionaire mind intensive. It's not run, um, everywhere around the world, but if you can get to it, I highly encourage it. I went there a few years ago for my birthday. It was literally my birthday request. Um, we flew to Singapore just to go to it. That's how nerdy I am. This is sound nerdy I am into and how much I'm into personal development, you guys.

And, uh, it was amazing. It was four day event, you know, just on literally creating a millionaire mind. And it's not so deep so to speak, but yeah, just a lot of fun on a, and went on to do even more work within their kind of program. Um, one of the programs is called never work again, where you really dive into like a bunch of financial freedom and passive income strategies, so to speak. So that was another program I flew back to Singapore for just to go right away and then I've done just a shit ton of spiritual work, like a shit ton of spiritual work, aside from epigenetic, um, transgenerational, inheritance clearing, and, you know, network spinal analysis work. And I've also worked with just like any other energetic clearing work. Um, I've done like, you know, a bunch of readings just with a whole host of different modalities, but really it topped it for me when I went.

And, uh, when I went on a retreat, a health retreat specifically to really dive in deeper and connect back into source and connect to ASCO, um, which is mother earth, mother plant, which is really helps you connect into source and dive deep. But Holy crap at state, if you've never had an iOS guy, it is, it is a plant essentially. And you drink the brew of AOL, asker of the mother, the mother plant, as they call it. And it's illegal in a few countries around the world, but not in a few others. And this was a few years ago when I do it. And I, when I did it, I really felt cold to it. It had been on my peripheral vision. I'd heard about it for like a while, and it didn't sound right to me at the time. And then I don't know what happened.

It just came into my life. Again, some someone mentioned it again and yeah, mother AI was just calling me and they do say, they actually say, you will feel cold to it. You will just like, fill this book pole. And I just had this pole to do it. I just had this pull to do mother AI. And so I went on this journey to do it, and it really is a PR to properly step into doing ayahuasca. It is a process, isn't it like a one night thing, even though, you know, you can do it that way. It really is like a process of deep toxifying and cleansing your body to prepare you for the process of, of the experience, right? And of diving deep into working with your shadow, working with the ego diving deep, into really uncovering and also integrating and healing, healing, healing, a big part of your shadow or my shadow, uh, that we deny we a hundred percent.

And I, and I think I'm going to actually do a completely whole separate episode on this because there is so much, and we literally coming out to now one now. Um, so I will create the next part two episode, literally on mother AI and a couple of other modalities around the plant as well that you can also do. Um, and so that you can find out more about it and it's not necessary for you to, you know, expand spiritually. It's not necessary for you to, you know, dive into personal development deeply. Like you don't have to do it, but I will do a whole nother app and tell you even more about it and my experience with it and what happens and how it works. And really just so you can uncover within yourself, there is something that you might want to do for you, right.

To uncover your shadow. So, whew, that was a lot, if you're still with me by, and if you loved hearing about kind of everything that I've done in the past and brought myself up to, then I hope that it's been enlightening. And I hope that you can also put yourself on the same or similar paths or take different modalities that you might've had because it's all good, right? It all works. You like, there's nothing I've ever done that hasn't been like, well, I regretted that. I like going to the gym, you go to the gym. You know, I kinda, I don't, I don't know if I want to, like, I'm not sure you always feel good after, like, it, it is all going to get you at least to a different place in your life. It's all going to get you to a different quantum leap, a quantum level, like whatever, and help you heal or expand or up level or whatever in that area of your life.

And that can only be a good thing, right? So I say, do all of them do all of them because it's all a journey. And this is why I do so much of it because I step into a different version of myself that I wouldn't have been able to maybe access. And you know, some of it is the same stuff. Some of it is like similar practices, right. Uh, but that's what we need. Remember how I told you about, it's not the one thing it's not like a fix it. It's like, it's a re repetition. It's a consistency of taking us to that next level and of the practices that work for you because not every single practice that is right for me is going to be refu and the next person. So anyway, I hope you've loved this. Stay tuned for part two, babe.

And if you want to be part of the energetic money blueprint, immersion Academy, I don't have the exact name yet clearly. Um, the program that I've been talking about that I was talking about, uh, early in this episode, send me either a DM on Instagram, or just drop me a note at hello at [inaudible] dot com because we are actually in, we starting in a, in a few weeks, at least, um, I'm opening up enrollment in a few weeks and we're going to be diving into so much of the work that I do with my one on one clients. And it's the first moment opening it up to a group setting. And I'm so excited. I am so excited to be doing this as being literally on the horizon for a couple of years. And it just, yeah, it's finally coming into the light. Whew. Oh my God. Okay, bye. I will see you next week. Thank you so much for tuning in today. Way. If you have loved this episode, be sure to drop a review on iTunes and make sure you screenshot it and send it through to me so I can keep sending you and keep giving you more podcasts and keep sharing the love. Also, if you haven't connected with me yet on social media, make sure you follow me on Instagram at ms. Wealthy, official, even more content. I love connecting with my baby there. Otherwise I will see you next week.