Manifesting Money...for real
May 23, 2019Do you think manifesting money is too "woo woo" for you?
Or are you even confused about how to actually do it without just hoping it might happen?
I've spent years exploring manifesting... but not in the way that most of the manifesting leaders describe. I've always approached it from a very practical what-steps-can-I-actually-take way.
And you can too.
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I've spent the last 10 years learning from the most brilliant minds in money, wealth, and investing to take myself from $20,000 in debt to a multi six figure investment portfolio. He don't know where to start. I get it being that too, but you just being here means you're part of a group of driven women changing the game and taking control. So join in and follow along as they share the secrets towards more money, more investing and more freedom. My name is Simone Mercer Huggins, and welcome to ms. Wealthy's kiss my money podcast.
Okay. So when I first started, I guess, on the manifesting journey and like kind of diving into understanding what it was and the, on a conscious level, rather than just looking at it as this, we were kind of term, I guess when I was first introduced to it was the movie that you probably heard of or seen called the secret. I mean, it's so old now, but it was one of those movies that, you know, kind of exploded into the mainstream and opened people's eyes a little bit, um, about, you know, what it might be. And it's funny, manifesting still has this. It can get a really bad rap and I think it's largely misunderstood. And certainly when I first started exploring it, I kind of didn't really understand enough about it beyond the quote unquote we were. And this kind of just think about it and it'll come to you because I was never, that's not how I approach manifesting.
That's not how I, that's not my, my belief system around it. And there are so many people out there that teach it and talk about it. And I'm by no means an expert, but I guess I wanted to give you my perspective on manifesting, particularly because I'm such a practical person. And particularly because I work in the very physical, real world of investing money and taking real action and actually executing things, right. I'm putting in like plans in place and stuff like that and how that works with this kind of, I guess, less tenable idea of manifesting. And, you know, it's, it's definitely been a journey for me, understanding, manifesting from a less, uh, non-physical level, because like I said, there's so many people out there talk about it in this, like, just think about it and it'll come to you. And I was just never comfortable with that.
I just, it, and I will say this about anything, this, this is, this is to do with anything, right? You've got to find the person that you relate to when it comes to investing, when it comes to, you know, finding a mentor in your career, when it comes to finding a mentor and your relationships and love, like whatever it is, you've got to find the person or the people that relate to you and that you resonate with. And you've got to find the model that works for you. And some people will resonate and some people just won't right. And so for me, manifesting was like some people, I really like this stuff, but it's kind of too woo. And it's just not practical enough. And it's really vague. And I was just like, those kinds of people are just not my people because I need more tangible, real, actual practical steps for me to put in.
Like, I understand the concepts of energy, but I, I guess I approach it from a very neuroscience level, like understanding our biology and our chemical makeup and from a science level. Right. And I guess that's how I approach manifesting. And so I believe in the universe and in universal energy, but again, I believe in energy because I understand that from a quantum physics level, it's real and you can actually measure it. And rather than it just being this thing that you can actually see. Um, so when I, when I first started, you know, hearing about manifesting and, uh, and this was a very long time ago, I think I've had like a hate, love relationship with it, of like, how can I live out my belief system around this, but do it in a way that is still true to me. And isn't like, I'm woo.
But to a degree, you know, like I said, I still need like the practical stuff. And there are some really amazing people out there, particularly women. And I love following the women just cause I kind of, I guess I feel drawn to it more, I feel called to it more. Um, like if you've heard of manifestation, babe Catherine's and keener, I think her name is, uh, or if you've heard of Denise Duffield Thomas, like she is another really cool chick. And both of those, um, women talk about manifesting a lot. And then there's another guy called Jake doosey. You might've heard of, um, anyone like Abraham Hicks or Gabrielle Bernstein, like, you know, uh, finding the person that resonates with you. Right. But recently I actually found this other woman that is really hitting home for me because she approaches it from a like real level level of, okay, this is real.
This is how your brain actually works. You know, we're not just like visualizing stuff and writing a check and then hoping it'll come to you. Like, this is the stuff that you actually implement and put in place. And it's really working for me. Her name is Lacey. God, I can't remember her last name now. Um, but she has a program called the pathway and um, her website is to be magnetic and this isn't a blog of her at all. I have no association with her whatsoever, but I've actually, um, started on one of her programs called the pathway. And you know, if you know me well at all, you know, that I'm a big believer in investing in myself and doing the work. And, you know, because our brain is just like any muscle in our body. It takes exercise and it takes regular practice.
And it's not just something we do once and it takes regular ongoing work. That was a hard realization that I came to early on in my, I guess self-development. Um, and even in my development, when I first started, I started seeing a psychologist like years and years and years ago, understanding that there was never, there's not an end point, like anything with your, when it comes to yourself and your self development, there is no end point. It's just, it's an ongoing process of just development and learning and growing and just like exercise, just like going to the gym, you don't go once. Right. I know it would be nice, but it's ongoing practice. And anyway, so when I invested in the pathway with this woman, Lacey, uh, you know, and started exploring other things like, uh, self worth and different things on a manifestation level, she really spoke to me because like I said, she approaches it from a real kind of neuroscience, um, I guess way.
And that really works for me because for me, it's about the real practical things that you can put in place that bring in your manifesting power and okay. So to get like real with what manifesting actually is, it's literally just about being clear in your mind. That's kind of like the, I guess, definition, like being obvious or being like clear in your mind, like that's literally kind of it, right? So when it comes to manifesting in things, rather than kind of thinking visually about what, what that is, if you think about why they say that, it's actually just because you get crystal clear about what it is that you want, like creating a vision board and all that stuff. Stuff is good. And I've done that before, but that might not work for you. But the process is essentially really just literally getting clear about what it is that you want, because so many people are not actually clear.
And I've said this before, particularly with the clients that work with me one on one, that people don't get what they want, because they don't know what they want. Like not in real definite explanation, like as, as if you could actually like, feel it, you're so clear about what it is, right? Like saying, for example, you want more money is not a goal. Like that's just not, because it's not clear and specific, like how much, and what do you want it for? Like money can be used for a million things. And I can guarantee you, you don't want more money just to have more money. You want it for something. Right. So that was, I think, a big help for me kind of like it, you know, and I kind of worked out, I guess, years ago, understanding, manifesting and what the point was, some of the things that they were saying, like the vision board is all about getting clear about what you want, right?
And then the other things are about unblocking, your beliefs. And I've spoken about this before. And I could honestly spend like 10 episodes talking about our belief system, but we all have kind of unblocked beliefs, right? False beliefs that we developed from a really young age. All of us have them. I have them, we have biases and ideas about how certain things work. Um, you know, and that shows up in like so many things like jealousy and, uh, opinions and judgment. And it's okay to judge things like don't beat yourself up because you're judging. But what you can find in your judging is your opinions and belief systems. And some of them are helpful and some of them aren't, but I mean, our subconscious mind was shaped from the moment we're born. Right. In fact, it's even before that, but it's everything we see and hear and taste shapes and molds our minds like it, by the time we reach maturity, we've witnessed over 8,000 murders.
Like there is no denying that ha has an impact on the way you see things, how you feel about, you know, everything from news to video games, to music lyrics, our mind is absorbing these at a constant rate and it goes into our subconscious mind bank. Right? And so as we grow up, essentially, like we get to the point where we have this insane machine, like our subconscious mind has his memory bank full of information and experiences and habits, beliefs, and opinions and questions and patterns. Patterns is the big one and thoughts, right? So it's a powerhouse working in the background and it can actually perform 10 quadrillion operations per second, without you even knowing it, which like my mind can't even really fathom, um, like how powerful that is. Right. So we have on average 60,000 thoughts a day. So I guess that's, for me where manifesting kind of gets real, like where manifesting stats, I guess getting clear about what we want when, when we have 60,000 thoughts a day, if we stop focusing just a fraction of those 60,000 thoughts a day on what we want and what we want to create, there is no doubt that the power of our mind will start subconsciously looking for ways and opportunities and doors to bring that in.
Like, when you get clear about what you want, then you start seeing things in different ways. And then the only thing that stops you from seeing those things are your blocked beliefs, which is why it's the second thing that is really important to unblock, literally, because they're the things that stop you from getting ahead and take taking opportunities and seeing opportunities and saying yes, because our subconscious might actually control that decisions at least 96% of the time. So our conscious mind is actually only occurring at about 4% of the time. So all of our patterns and belief systems that we've brought up to believe that have developed over time, that's operating. So that's why it's so important to constantly work on your mind and constantly work on the things that are blocking you and things aren't helpful for you and the things that you think about.
Because if that's operating 96% of the time, like that's, that's the thing that you want to influence, right? That's the thing you want to get like, right. And like I said, I have blocked beliefs like anyone and things that keep coming up, things that keep needing to like work on and right. So they're the two things. The first two things is getting clear on what you want, like a clear vision getting and working on your unblocked beliefs and kind of getting clear about what they are. A lot of you were probably already know what they are, but sometimes there's a whole bunch in there that I still find blocked beliefs that I didn't even realize, but that I was like, hold on a minute. What, uh, actually the most recent one that has come up for me is I think I've kind of really been hiding.
I'm hiding myself. I think I've been reluctant in becoming a leader. Essentially. I have had a belief for a very long time that talking about myself is self absorbed and it's showboating. And you kind of look like you're full of ego and you're full of yourself. I genuinely have had that thought, even though I don't look at other people that way. So that is actually one that's come up for me recently and realizing that it's actually better for me. If I step into my power and step into my success and become a mentor for women rather than hiding away from that. I mean, I know that I am, I have amazing clients that have achieved amazing things under working under me, working with me. I have incredible clients that have done massive things in creating more money and more wealth. And I know it's because of the systems and the programs and the coaching that I have and they do with me.
And yet I still was hiding behind. No, no, no, I I'm just helping you, which I am. You're the one that still takes action. It's always up to you. Right. But I have totally been hiding away from realizing that I am a mentor for other people and kind of owning that and being proud of that too. Like even saying proud of that is not something I would have said last week. So that's, that's a big blocked belief. That's actually come up for me recently and realizing that it's not self-absorbed to talk about my success. It's actually really inspirational for other people because I know for the mentors that I have in my life, without them sharing what they've done and what they've achieved and how they've done it, I wouldn't have got to where I was. So that's actually really powerful anyway. So that's just a belief that has unblocked for me.
So that's true. Getting a clear vision on blocked beliefs. And then I alluded to the third is finding the mentors in your life. Like finding the people that actually expand you, grow you and surrounding yourself with those people. And so me realizing that I am actually a mentor for other people has been a massive one because I have really incredible mentors in my life. And it can be people that you don't know, like they could be famous people like that's fine too. Ideally you have both, um, Lacy Phillips, that's it Lacey Phillips who runs to be magnetic and has this program called the pathway. She calls them expanders, um, which are essentially just mentors, but it's a really good word because they expand who you are. They expand you as, as a being and they expand you and your possibility and opportunity and your horizons and they expand what you can do and what you can create.
And I really like that. I really liked that terminology, like find expanders in your life, um, and realize that you can surround yourself with people that expand you rather than contract and shrink you. Right. Okay. So that's number three, clear vision, unblocked beliefs. Well I'm blocking beliefs and finding clear mentors or expanders. And then the fourth is constantly learning. It's it's about constantly learning, but learning with intent. So what I mean by this is when you have that clear vision, when you get those beliefs and you constantly work on them and unblock them learn with intent from your mentors, from your expand is from, you know, and learn within 10 about what the things are that you need to do to put into action, what you want to create. Um, this is one, this is probably my biggest bugbear with manifesting that there was a bunch of people.
And I, I know that it's probably not you if you're listening in, because I intentionally attract driven women. I even say that the very beginning of my podcast, uh, driven women is really who I surround myself with and who I aim to bring into my world. Because in order to do the things, create the things that you want. You need to be driven enough to step up, take control, own responsibility, and actually execute on them, right. And learn about how to do it. So that is the fourth. And then the fifth is literally to take action and execute, because I know that we have this thing called, um, what is it? Knowledge is power. No knowledge is not power executed. Knowledge is power. Actioned. Knowledge is power. Having all this knowledge and doing nothing with it is pointless. Like, I need you to understand that you need to actually take action.
Knowing things literally means nothing. It's useless. Okay. So you have to take action and execute and actually do the thing because information alone is honestly like it's useless. We live in over informed. Well, you can get information about anything. You can learn how to do many, many things, but true like deep knowledge and executing that knowledge is honestly where it's at and, and doing that with impact imperfection, like doing it and knowing that maybe it's like, you know what, it's not perfect, but like taking action on it and then learning from it, growing from it and then realizing, okay, what's the next thing you can do? Like, rather than thinking that you need to be a guru or an expert in every single field before you even take action or take the next step because you don't, you just need to learn and grow and develop, and then the next thing will reveal itself.
Right. So, okay. So they're the five things I know I've kind of not been super clear about this, but obviously getting a really clear vision and look, if you're the kind of person that the vision board massively works with for you, then go and do it. Like I said, I've created one before, but it was really the process of getting super clear about what it was that I wanted to actually create with my money. That was why I wanted to do it. And that was why it really helped me. Uh, the second is working on your unblocked beliefs, right? Third find mentors or expanders fourth learn, but learn with a tent. Don't just like, go and buy 30 books. What 29 will probably sit on the shelf and then five take action. I love books, right? I love learning. I love reading, but learn within purposeful intent because learning for the sake of learning, isn't going to get you any further where you're like, it's not going to help you develop the things that you actually want to do.
Right. It's actually the taking action on the specific learning that you've done. So that's kind of my model of manifesting and creating what you want. Really that first one, I think is so powerful because creating a clear vision of why you wanted it and getting connected to that means that, like I said, your subconscious mind opens up to opportunity and possibility that you probably didn't see before. It means you have conversations with people. It means that you walk into rooms kind of going, Oh, what could I do? What could this be? What could happen? And you know, what could you create? It, it means that you start asking different questions or more questions or more high quality questions. It was funny. I actually asked my husband about this, um, just this week, because I was kind of really happy that I found this woman, Lacey Phillips.
And, um, you know, I asked him, I was like, did you to believe in manifesting? And he's like, yeah. And I've been in my husband for 13 years. Like how could I not know the answer to that question? But he's not a spiritual person. I'm way more spiritual than he is. But he was like, yeah, I, but I believe it on a kind of, you know, getting, getting focused on what you want. And then it means that you go about and start kind of creating that without realizing it because that's, what's working in the background. And I think that's a, like a really good explanation of how it kind of works. Right? And the more you start on that path, you start attracting more of those things. And I guess, energetically your creating more energy around that. You start having those conversations and more people realize that that's the thing that you want to create.
And they're kind of might randomly think about it and they might introduce you to someone else or whatever it is. Um, and I think that's where the energy aspect from certainly for me comes from your creating energy around it, because you're creating conversation, you're creating action, uh, you're creating movement, right. And that just creates more movement. And there's a point where that hits exponential. And that's where things start growing and pulling into your, your space, your world. And I mean, look, I, I would also say like believe, believe in the impossible and believe in the believe in things that things can come to you in ways that you have no idea. Like you have no idea how the world is working for you in the background without you knowing it. So I would definitely say like, I am definitely part woo, like part we were and definitely spiritual.
I don't want you to deny that. Uh, but I also don't want you to shut down the idea of manifesting, uh, because you think it's this burning Sage and sitting in a corner and, you know, uh, thinking about something and expecting it will just come into your world. And that can absolutely happen. Money comes in bizarre and totally unexpected ways. But if you don't believe in them, meaning if you, uh, consciously or subconsciously blocked off from that possibility, then there's no way that it can come into your world. Right. So for now, if you're blocked off that it has to come through believable sources like income or investments, and then understand that it can come through from other things like I have exercised and worked on my manifesting muscles to the point where I can bring in things that I didn't, I didn't even realize could have happened, but there was no way I could have done that in my, at the beginning of my journey.
So I would just say that don't close off to it. If you think manifesting is we were. But also I hope that that helps, I guess, hearing my perspective. And it's not just mine, it's pulled from a bunch of other people too on kind of practical, manifesting, like getting real about taking action and executing on the things that you actually want. I would love to hear your stories on it. If you've manifested things, if you know, it's part of your world too, you know, that obviously I'm an avid investor and I'm a massive action taker in creating wealth. Um, but I want you to know that you can, you can have both, you can be spiritual and you can be a manifestor and you can be like super practical because definitely the way I see it as manifesting is a very real, it has a real aspect to it.
It's, you know, based on quantum physics, then it's based on science. And that's how I kind of see energy working and seeing how like we can, that's how we actually attract things into our life. Alright. I'd love to hear your stories and, you know, I'd love to also connect and know where you stand on the Wu scale too. But until next time, ladies, thanks for joining me. I hope that you've managed to get through this episode without, uh, with, with knowing that I'm still getting over my cold, which is why I missed last week. It's the first time I've ever missed an episode, but this cold hit me pretty hard. So I'm coming off the back of it now. So I'll be all better for next week until then.